아이들에게 생활에서 영어로 말하기

조회 3219 | 2014-02-19 12:22
유아에게 영어로 말하기 ~

1. Good morning!-잘잤니?
2. Good night-잘자라
3. Sweet dreams-좋은 꿈 꾸세요
4. Good bye-안녕
5. See you-안녕, 또 보자.
6. Hello!(전화시)안녕, 여보세요.
7. Thank you.-고맙습니다.
8. Say thank you, please-고맙습니다 라고 말해야지.
9. I'm sorry.-미안합니다.

10. Let's go to bathroom-(화장실 가자-집에서만 사용)
11. Let's wash your face.-세수하자.
12. Let's wash your hands.-손 씻자
13. Let's wash your hair.-머리감자.
14. Let's wash your feet.-발 씻자
15. Let's brush your teeth.-양치질 하자
16. Do you wanna poop?-응가 하고 싶니?
17. Do you wanna pee?-쉬 하고 싶어?
18. I'll turn on the light.-불 킬게.
19. If you finish your poop, call mom. OK? -응가 다 하고 불러
20. Are you done?-다 했니?
21. You did it.- 해 냈구나.
22. You did great job.- 잘했다.

<의사를 물을때...>
23. Would you like to have some food?-뭐 좀 먹고 싶니?
24. Would you like to have some coo-kie?-과자 좀 먹고 싶어?
25. Would you like to have milk?-우유 먹고 싶니?
26. Would you like to go outside?-밖에 나가고 싶어?
27. Would you like to go and play at outside?-밖에 나가 놀고 싶어?
28. Would you like to ride a bicycle?-자전거 타고 싶어?
29. Do you like Mom?-엄마 좋아?
30. Do you like Daddy?-아빠 좋아?
31. Do you like this car?-이 차 좋아?
32. Don't you like it?-그게 좋아?
33. Let's sleep.-자자.
34. Can you kiss me please? -엄마 한테 뽀뽀 해 줄래?
35. Here it is.-여기 있다.
36. Can you find the key for me?-키 좀 찾아 줄래

37. I love you-사랑해.
38. Are you happy?-좋아?
39. I'm happy.-좋아.
40. Are you afraid?-무서워?
41. I'm afraid.-무서워
42. Are you interested?-재미있니?
43. It's interesting.-재미있어.
44. Are you angry?-화났니?
45. I'm angry.-화났어.
46. Were you surprised? -놀랐어?
47. I was surprised.-놀랐어.
48. Are you sick?-아파?
49. Is it cold?" 추워?
50. Really? 정말?
51. It's cold. Let's go home.-난 추워. 집에 가자.
52. Are you all right?-괜찮아?
53. Are you ok?-괜찮아?
54. Do you feel pain?- 아퍼?
55. Go and say 'don't cry , stop crying please
- 가서 울지마 라고 말하세요.
56. You look very happy. Are you happy?
- 기분 좋아 보이네. 기분좋아?

57. Are you hungry? -배고프니?
58. I'm hungry.-배고파.
59. Is it delicious?-맛있니?
60. It's delicious.-맛있다.
61. Help yourself!-많이 먹어
62. Did you have enough?-많이 먹었니?
63. Give me one candy.-사탕 하나 줘
64. Would you like to eat coo-kie? -과자 먹고 싶어?
65. May I have a drink? Give me water please.
- 뭐 좀 마시고 싶은데 물 좀 줄래요?
66. Do you know chicken? -치킨 아니?
67. Would you like to have chicken?-치킨 먹고 싶어?

<의문사(Where, Who, What등)로 질문할때..>
68. Where are you?-어디있니?
69. Where is daddy?-아빠 어디있니?
70. What are you doing?-뭐하니?
71. What's daddy doing?-아빠 뭐하니?
72. Where are you going?-어디가니?
73. Where's the daddy's key? -아빠 열쇠 어딨니?
74, Where is a oil station?-주유소 어딨니?
75. Where are apartments?아파트 어딨니?
76. What is this? 이게 뭐니?

77. Stop! -멈추세요.
78. Watch out! -조심해
79. Look out! -조심해
80. Be careful!-조심해
81. Here is slippery. Slowly down!!-여기는 미끄러워. 천천히 가세요.
82. Slowly on the stairs.-계단에서는 천천히..
83. Are you ok? -괜찮아?
84. Are you all right?-괜찮아?
85. Hurry up!-빨리 서둘러.
86. Let's go!-가자.
87. Here we go!-가자, 출발!
88. Look at that! -저것봐
89. Look at this flower! -저 꽃봐
90. How pretty!-예쁘다.
91. Let's go home-집에 가자.

92. I'm hidden........Peek-a-boo!-나 숨었다..... 까꿍!
93. Behind the curtain. Right there!커튼 뒤에.. 바로 거기...
94. Close your eyes-눈 가리고.
95. Let's sing a rain song together.-레인송 노래 같이 부르자.
96. Here! Mommy, Here!-엄마! 여기 있다 엄마.
97. I'll get you.-너 잡으러가자.
98. I got you- 잡았다.(사람)
99. I got it.- 잡았다.(물건)
100. Running running-달리기.

101.Are you ready? -준비 됐니?
102.Wait a minute. -잠깐만..
103.Let's count one to ten.- 숫자 세어보자.
You did it.-해냈구나.
You did good job.-잘했다.
105.You are right. You are so smart-그래 맞다. 똑똑 하네..
106.I need scissors. Give me scissors, please-가위가 필요한데 가위 좀 줄래?
107.Let's try it again-다시 해보자.
108.Try it only one time. You can do it.-다시 한번만 더 해보세요. 할수 있어.


109.Don't look at the TV too closely-너무 가까이서 TV보지 마세요
110.Are you interested?-재미있니?
111.Turn on the TV.-TV 켜라.
112.Turn off the TV.-TV 끄라
113.Push the play button.-play 버튼 눌러세요
114.Push the stop button.-stop 버튼 눌러세요

<옷입고 벗기>
115.Your pants are all wet.-너의 바지 다 젖었네.
116.Take off your pants.-옷벗어라.
117.Pun on your pants. -바지 입어라.
118.Put on your shirts.-셔츠 입어라.
119.Stand up.-일어서세요
120.Sit down.-앉으세요.
121.Where are your socks?-양말 어딨니?
122.Let's change them. Take off your shirts and your pants,please

<옷, 빨래, 양말 등..>
123.Youngbum, bring daddy's socks out from the drawer, please. ( 서랍에서 아빠 양말 좀 꺼집어내어 줄래?)
124.Bring your pants out from the drawer. 서랍에서 네 바지 꺼집어 내어주련?

125.Youngbum,,say you are welcome please.
(천만예요 라고 말해야지...)
126.let's put on your socks.양말신자.
127.Whose socks are they?"(이거 누구 양말이니?)
128.Let's shake them like mom...shake, shake, shake!(엄마처럼 흔들어 보자)
129.Whose pants are they?"(이건 누구 바지니?)
130.Let's hang them like mom...hang it~,hang it~!"(엄마 처럼 늘어보자)

131.**!, your hands are dirty.**아 손이 더럽구나.
132.let's go to the bathroom ,and wash your hand ,and take a piss, too
(화장실에 가서 손씻고 쉬하고 오너라.)
133.Open the door, please": 문열어주세요.
134.Please, close the door!: 문닫아 주세요.
135.Are you finished? (응가, 쉬) 다했니?
136.It's dirty. You need to clean your hands: 손씻어야 겠다.
137.Let's go outside, after washing your face: 세수하고 밖에 나가자.
138.Can you try to wash your face by yourself?: 혼자서 세수 할수 있니?
139.Wash your cheek too: 볼도 씻으세요.
140.Then, wash your neck cleanly.: 목도 깨끗이 씻어야죠.
141.Wipe your face and hand with towel:타월로 닦자.
142.Let's wash your butt-엉덩이 씻자.

143.I'll do it for you. 내가 해줄게.
144.Do you know carrot? 당근아니?
145.Where did you see a carrot? 당근 어디서 봤니?
146.Put this milk into refrigerator"이 우유 냉장고 넣어주련?
147.Why? **!, don't you like it?왜? **아, 그거 싫어?
148.Does it taste good? "맛있니?
149.We ate all already: 우리 벌써 다먹었다.
150.Would you like to have sandwich some more? 센드위치 더 먹구싶어?


아가도 공부되고  엄마두 공부되는  간단?하면서  생활에서  쓰는  영어  에요

